

All the staff at The High Street Surgery would like to thank our patients for their help and assistance during this difficult time we are all going through.


We are continuing to triage all requests for appointments.  You will be contacted by a clinician and be given a time to attend the surgery or you may be offered a video consultation.

Following national guidance in June we will be re-introducing some appointments for routine reviews. You will be contacted directly by a member of staff offering you an appointment if required for your review.

When you attend your appointment please wear a suitable face covering. This will ensure that our supply of PPE is always available for the clinical staff.

Please remember to attend your appointment alone. If required your carer can attend with you. For children’s appointments only one parent/carer please.  This will help us with social distancing and prevent the waiting room becoming over full.

Repeat prescriptions

You can continue to post your routine prescription requests in the post box located outside by the main entrance. Alternatively if you are registered for on-line services please order your repeat medications via the link on this web site.  If you would like to register for on-line services please contact Reception.

Social Distancing

Our aim is at all times to keep you the patients safe as well as our staff.  To this end we will be asking you to follow SOCIAL DISTANCING GUIDELINES when you attend for your confirmed appointment.  There will be signs and floor markings to assist you with this.  You will be asked to use the sanitizing hand gel.


Compassionate Neighbours

St Clare Hospice runs a Compassionate Neighbours project designed to support local people. If you live in West Essex and East Herts and are living with a life-limiting illness or frailty, and may be experiencing social isolation  particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic, you could access support from a Compassionate Neighbour. The service is currently available ‘virtually’ over the phone or by video call.

If you, or someone you know, would like some extra support, Compassionate Neighbours can:

  • Offer emotional support and a listening ear
  • Help you, or someone you know, do the things you like doing
  • Help you, or someone you know, stay connected to the community as well as family and friends

This support is provided free of charge.

Contact the St Clare Compassionate Neighbours Project Manager, Stacey Towler, on 01279 773729 or for more information.

Covid test